Omar Di Felice - Ultracyclist
Photoshoot of the italian ultracyclist Omar Di Felice for Allianz Italia with MALAKA Studio in Bormio, Italy.
Photoshoot of the italian ultracyclist Omar Di Felice for Allianz Italia with MALAKA Studio in Bormio, Italy.
For the final step of the Laboratorio di Sintesi at Politecnico di Milano, we planned a digital strategy focused on the disclosure of the role of the designer in our society.
The outputs included: the brand identity of the campaign, a website, a full-length ironic teleshopping ad and several short videos for social media.
Brand identity for an exclusive restaurant in Cremona, Italy, inspired by the tradition of violin making.
I also planned the photoshoots and designed the contents for the social media accounts of the restaurant.
ITmakES is a project promoted by the Italian Embassy in Spain. We made a video for a collaboration between spanish students and italian design brands.
The main challenge here was to coordinate different people with different backgrounds and levels of skill, to produce high quality videos.
How can you describe the struggles of a whole fragmented generation? Neetfix is a fictional brand that ironically tries to simplify the complexity of the Gen Z
Progetto 665 is the outcome of a co-design process made with three teenagers of Nembro, a town near Bergamo. The project propose a new way to experience the Museum of the coal mine, which actively involes the youth. The Nembro Files are a collection of findings and artifacts that together tell the story of the whole design process, thanks to visual metaphor.
Resonant is an independent magazine about sound and its relationship with humans and environments. It was made during the Laboratorio di Artefatti Complessi, at Politecnico di Milano. We designed and printed the first number of the magazine and made a psychedeli teaser for its presentation.
During the pandemic we stopped travelling. The tourism was going through a crysis but at the same time people still felt the need to go back to travelling.
Starting with this premise, SaFém is an app, designed for mobile devices, based around the concept of micro-tourism. The app aims to get people involved again in tourism, in a safer and more sustainable way.
VibeTuner is an interactive web app, that works through the cooperation of its users. The purpouse of the app is to give users the possibility to share and recieve music suggestions. The app relies on Spotify API, Google Firebase and P5.js
Graphic designer
Alessia Arosio
Lorenzo Barilla
Pietro Martina
Filippo Tortelli
Progetto 665 is a reconversion proposal for a museum situated in Nembro (BG), Italy, that we co-designed with three local teenage students. The "Museum of coal mine and emigration" of Nembro was founded by one of the rescuers present during the Marcinelle mining disaster
and it's a place with incredible historical significance but it's hardly visited by anyone. The project want to give a new life to the museum and pass down the story of its founder to the new generations.
The co-design process was documented with photos and videos and summed up in "The Nembro Files" archive.